when should I be concerned about duck eggs not hatching?


9 Years
Jan 6, 2014
My Coop
My Coop
I am hatching three pekin eggs. They are at the end of day 28(hatch day) almost into day 29. Candling at lock down revealed three wiggling and alive ducklings getting ready to hatch. I had to do an emergency intervention just a couple minutes ago as the humidity dropped below 45%. While quickly adding some hot water I shined a light into each egg revealing three active ducklings but only two internal pips. (Incubator temp never dropped below 99* and the humidity is back at 60%). I have a duck egg hatching calendar that says the external pip will happen 6-12 hours after the internal pip.

When I hatched chicken eggs earlier this year the chicks peeped loud and often after the internal pip. Does that happen with ducks as well? With day 29 starting about 9 am tomorrow, when should I consider assisting with the hatch? What signs should I look for that they may need some help?
A couple things that will hint you that the duck needs help is that it started pipping that it makes no progress for a couple days this means that the membrane dried over and the duckling is not strong enough to break free. This is when you can help out because not many younglings can break through at this point. Help- Outs otherwise are not suggested because they're can be some possible damage.
Hmm I'm not sure but they take forever.. I'd leave them alone for a while, no candling, let humidity stay high. I'm not sure of more but check my sig links. Both are useful
Hmm I'm not sure but they take forever.. I'd leave them alone for a while, no candling, let humidity stay high. I'm not sure of more but check my sig links. Both are useful

I have a small viewing window so I can monitor any progress, but the shells aren't see-through. It is hard when it looks like nothing is happening. I am hoping for an external pip but morning if not at least one complete hatch.
I heard on other posts chickens hatch much quicker. I've only had one hatch, but the waiting was killing me. . Started on a Sunday night, over 24 hours before first 2 hatched, and they weren't even the ones that started first. Last ones hatched Wednesday, and believe me, I was freaking out. Seems the most popular answer it's wait and wait some more :/ducks I know
I heard peeping! It was very soft but it was there!

(that is my happy dance.) Sometimes if I'm worrying about my ducklings who aren't hatched yet, I'll tap the shell gently with a fingernail. They will generally respond with an enthusiastic chirp. But.. mine are Muscovy so I don't know if yours will be the same.
Woke up this morning to three external pips!
They were small but present. This is a first time hatching duck eggs and the waiting is excruciating.
It has been a few hours and no more progress.
If you are very still and quiet you can see slight movements of the eggs so I know they are working hard to hatch.
This is my concern also I am new to duck/chicken raising. I found my nest outside our barn on Sept 26th. Worried about them being outside and how much longer will have to wait. I don't want to disturb the nest and my duck is very "squwacky" when she finds me over there. I posted in the thread last night but, no responses yet. I live in southwestern NY state. So anytime now the weather could turn.

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