When should I let them out to free range?

Congrats 9farmgirl9, you are one of the lucky few that has tame Guineas
Mine follow me around because they know they will get treats and any bugs I happen to find for them (they are very food driven), but they keep their distance, are incredibly cautious and do not like to be caught or touched. The best most of us can hope for is for them to come when we call them, for them to roost in a safe coop or pen at night or for getting them to eat out of our hand... and some of us don't even accomplish that much. I've had hundreds of Guineas over the years, it's just not in their nature to be tame. I've found that when there are tame birds in your flock there is usually some type of underlying health issues or genetic disorder that makes them not as defensive, alert and active.
I have 9 Guineas at about 7 weeks old. They where brooded and cooped with 30 Freedom Rangers of the same age. About a week ago I openned the doors so all could free-range and share the pastures with an established laying flock. Well turns out the Guineas and Rangers are all "home bodies". They will step out of the run first thing in the morning and within a couple of hours all back in the run or coop close to the food bowl. Not like my established laying flock whos out foraging from sunrise to sunset.
My guineas aren't that wild some are nicer than my chickens. i'll pour some feed on my lap and theyll be 10 or so guineas on my lap. And when i'm ooutside theyll follow me around. One time Wing (one of my guinea hens with one wing) was in my lap and i was petting her and one of the domniate males came over and scared her away and took her spot, Guineas!

Perhaps I should keep trying with the treats! Good to hear!
I don't let mine free range before at least 5 months old. Before that they just seem to be too small and too dumb to keep themselves alive.
I agree, they are not smart to start and mine have never been tame. I am impressed that someone can even get that close to them. Mine to are very food driven and will follow a bucket. They know the bucket and I and that it means food, so anywhere they are they come running when they hear me or see the bucket. This helps to train them on where to roost. They always return to the coop every night! I have issues with owls day and night so this is a must. They are simply the best alert system for when owls are around. They save many lives. Hope it helps and good luck
Oh and the babies always follow the parents just can't always keep up, making for high fatalities if not taken away and fostered. They die if run through dew early in the am so I let mine out each day. Good Luck!
My older guineas always take the little ones under their wing ,show them around and keep and eye on them.
They may not take very good care of their keets when they hatch but are great moms and dads to the older keets
I have 13 Guineas and 7 babies that my chickens hatched out. They are the funniest, quirkiest bird! I totally agree with what PeepsCA is saying..............The only thing I have to add is they don't do well being left out all night in the trees....I have owls that get them at night. Now I make sure even if I have to throw something up in the trees to get them down at dusk, if it's dark they WILL NOT come down! I also have a light in their coop that I turn on at dusk so they go right in. I was doing some carpentry at dusk once and they all flew up into the trees...FYI don't do that!
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