when should I remove my goose's eggs?


In the Brooder
Aug 10, 2016
Talywain in South Wales
My goose has been sitting on her eggs now for 31 days. They are too thick to candle, and I don't like to take them out from under her to keep doing this - I don't want to disturb them.
Four of the eggs are really heavy, one is really light. I'm beginning to think that maybe none of them is viable as there is no pipping on any of them.
Does anyone have any advice about how much longer I should leave them before I take them away? She's doing ok, but has lost some weight, and I don't want her to become ill - but don't want to throw away viable eggs!
If your not able to candle I'd give her a few more days. They don't get serious about sitting on the eggs for incubation until after the last egg is hatched. Has it been 31 days since the last egg? What type of goose do you have. Incubation is typically 28-32 days depending on breed and egg size.
HI, thanks for answering. None of them has hatched. It's 32 days since she started sitting properly, and about a week before that that she was laying and just keeping them warm at night. I'm just unsure now whether any are going to hatch but don't want to take them away too soon. She's a Brecon buff.
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HI, thanks for answering. None of them has hatched. It's 32 days since she started sitting properly, and about a week before that that she was laying and just keeping them warm at night. I'm just unsure now whether any are going to hatch but don't want to take them away too soon. She's a Brecon buff.
Beautiful breed. I have American and Tufted Buffs. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you and her that they're just slowpokes.
Thanks - I've got mine crossed too. Ceinwyn is a Welsh name, did you know that already? I looked it up for you, it means blessed and beautiful! They are lovely geese - really gentle.

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