When should I unblock the nesting boxes?


8 Years
Mar 15, 2011
Northern Kentucky
I have two pullets I acquired June 6th, (The picture is from then, they're bigger now!) that we call Bawk and Squawk. I *think* they are BCM/BO mix though I'm really not certain. The nests boxes are still blocked off but they are 14 weeks now. Should I consider opening up the egg hotel? I also have several younger pullets (12ish weeks) so I'm hesitant to do it too early but I noticed one of the 'big girls' has been acting funny lately- preferring to lay on the ground instead of roosting. Pictured below are Bawk & Squawk and the hen house (haven't named the coop yet).


I never had mine closed. I never understood why you would close them. I always have kept a few fake eggs in them. Heck that's where I wanted them to lay & they do. My chickens aren't saints but they do lay their eggs in the boxes.
Mine started laying at 16-17 weeks. I did block off the nest box only at night because they were all 4 sleeping in 1 box and pooping it up. I also have a couple of hens that like to go broody and I block off the box at night when they are broody to help break it.
I blocked mine off after a friend had chickens who decided that nesting boxes were for sleeping and pooping AND eggs. It was pretty gross. I wanted to avoid that.
I need a good answer to this question too! We had to close up the boxes for the same reason - they used them to sleep in and poo in. But according to the calendar, they may be ready to start laying by the end of July. How should I introduce them to the nesting boxes again?
Mine started to lay about the day before I was GOING to put the golf ball in. All on their own. It's a miracle.. Those first 4 eggs were very expensive! If there is a comfy breezy perch my hens prefer it, before I added the run perch a couple were sleeping on the coop roof.

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