When to assist in hatch?


6 Years
Apr 27, 2013
north Idaho
I have a Brinsea Automatic....3 eggs had pipped about 12 hours ago and now 3 others have pipped and I hear peeping in the other egg....so 7 out of 7 is great! However, we forgot to shut the auto cool down off so the temperature dropped several degrees for a while ...which may be delaying things. I moved the eggs to another incubator that i was keeping warm on standby until I could get the temperature back up and now have moved back in. Still no hatch. Should I wait it out? Thanks for any advise...:)
I've read it can take up to 48 hours after first pip and that temperature dropping can delay things. So I would wait it out
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...and since then...all have hatched.... 7 out of 7 a pretty darn good hatch rate given my little screw up with the cool down cycle :jumpy

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