when to candle duck eggs?

7 days...
if they look clear, give them another 7 days.
Sometimes it's easier to see movement than veining... depending on the egg.
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This is our first time trying to hatch eggs, and we are on Day 5 with 18 duck eggs in our incubator.

We candled tonight for the first time, and it was REALLY clear which ones were developing and not. We made sure to get a really good LED flashlight, and wait until it was dark, so that we could be sure to see as much as possible.

Pics of developing and non-developing eggs are in this thread (scroll down):

thats awesome i am definatley going to try and wait until i they are 7 days old before i touch them
then i will NOT touch them till they hatch... if there good theyll hatch if not then they wont. lol
If you buy the high intensity Egg Lume candler from Brinsea, you will be able to see some pretty good detail and movement on the developing embryos. I got mine on sale which they were running a few weeks ago, don't know if they still are. I tried several different LED lights and couldn't see what I can now.

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