When to give up on egg layer?


In the Brooder
12 Years
Dec 19, 2007
My 2 1/2 yr. old fake Auracana hasn't laid an egg since July 8th. I've been making excuses for her - scared by a hawk; unsettled by two new pullets (mid July), molting in September. My 7 month old Cuckoo Maran is laying up to 7 eggs a week, and my 2 1/2 year old Buff Orpington is laying 4-5, so it isn't food or light issues.

Could she still be recovering from her September molt? When do I just give up on her?
Sorry to say, she's just old and past her days as a layer. My EEs pooped out about the same age. She probably will not lay again after the molt. It's highly unlikely.
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One of the big hatcheries has a hold recording that tells you that hens only lay until 18 months of age, right up until the first molt, then they are done laying. Unfortunately, this has been my experience with my 2 oldest hens. I am dreading my 3rd molter because she is my best egg layer of all time and she turns 18 months this month.
Not all breeds quit at 18 months, but many will. They will stop during their molt completely (almost always) and then often start back up again after a couple months. Then they will not lay as regularly as before in many cases. Each bird is a little different, especially depending on breed.
I have never ever had a hen permanently stop laying at 18 months of age. Utter nonsense. The only reason a hen that young would stop permanently is if she has some sort of cancer or was butchered.

My oldest are now 6 years old and have quit for the winter, but they were all laying 2-5 eggs a week for the summer, starting in March.

If they are healthy they WILL lay again, I promise!

Keep in mind that they have no control over when they lay and when they don't. It isn't a choice for them, it's all hormones and genetics. Keep 'em healthy and you will have eggs for years.
Thanks for all the input. To answer an earlier question, she was laying 4-5 eggs per week (after a few weeks off last winter).
My 2 1/2 yr. old Buff Orpington is still laying 4-5 a week, and they are the same age.
Oh no.... My two Speckled Sussex molted in August and haven't layed since. I was just giving them more time, but now am worried that they will never lay again! They were just one year old in June! I'll give them till Spring anyway. What the heck, I'll give them till forever. Sure wish they would lay though!

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