In the Brooder
- Apr 5, 2017
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Just wondering how do I go about introducing my chicks, ranging from 4 months to almost 3 months, to my one year old hens? My flock of one year old hens are red sexlinks, a amberlink, leghorns and a golden nugget. I would be introducing a Silkie roo, a black old English game bantam roo, 3 Silkie pullets, 3 EE pullets and 2 autralorp pullets. This is my first time adding new babies to my flock of 6. My hens free range supervised and have seen the chicks for short periods throughout the day since we brought the chicks home. They've all free ranged a couple of times together for short periods of time too. All of the chicks are fully feathered and I'm in Texas so weather shouldn't be an issue. Also how do I keep the hens from eating the chicks grower crumbles and vice versa with the chicks and the layer crumbles? Also first time having roo's...what do they eat once all pullets start laying and are on layer feed? Any advice would be helpful. TIA!