I have 10 hens (BR, RIR, SS, BA) and one rooster (BA) that are 1 year old. This spring I purchased 8 new chicks (why not?). At about 4 weeks old, I moved the chicks into a 2' x 4' brooder pen inside the coop (with a heating pad brooder which was awesome) in plain site (which caused a slight egg laying strike but they were back to full production mode after a few weeks). At about 6 weeks I added an 8' x 8' run that only the chicks could access that is right smack dab in the middle of the other chickens big run (25' x 55'). Now the chicks are 12 weeks old and the brooder is getting crowded at night. I did remove the heating pad long ago and I added roosts, so everyone has space to roost. Question is: can I release the 4 Buff Orpingtons and 1 Light Brahma into the coop/run with the big chickens and leave the Welsummers in the brooder space for a few more weeks? I'm concerned about my big Black Australorp roo assaulting the smaller Wellies. The Buffs and Brahma, of course, are nice and big. One of the Buffs is a rooster - hopefully the replacement - as the BO can find a new home, with the freezer as an option (he has an occasional mean streak). Or am I creating more issues by doing the integration in two steps?