When to Introduce My Single Roo Chick


9 Years
May 24, 2010
Southern Maine
I currently have six 11month hens. 1 BR, 1BSL, 1 RSL, 2RR, 1EE all standard size. I am having problems with my head hen (BR). She's gotten very agressive and half of my flock is bald because of her (EE, BSL and RR). I"ve tried the cabbage toy and adding vinegar to their water. We just seperated the BR from the flock yesterday, she is super human friendly and a great bird, she won't be showing up on our plates. We have been considering the option of getting a bantam silkie rooster to balance the flock pecking order. Would he help the flock maintain balance? I have a friend who has a 3 week old and I know that he's nowhere near being ready to go in with them. I'm not currently alowed more hens per my landlord, but she is willing to let me get a rooster (long story). If I opt to do this when should I introduce this lonely baby to the flock? Should I brood him alone at my hose so he gets used to my family, or should I let my friend brood him with his brothers and sisters untill he's old enough? Any help would be apreciated! Trying to make the best decision for my flock.
Let your friend brood him with his siblings. Otherwise you'll end up with a chicken that is either dependent on you for company and will scream for you when you aren't around, or will be very, very, depressed.

Normally, you introduce a new one when it is about the same size as the ones it will be living with.
I think the right time is when he is old enough to start calling/feeding the hens. then he will naturally sweet talk them and they will follow him around because he is the man in the group.

I had seven Easter Eggers and RIR hens. Then got chicks that grew up in separate coop but freeranged with them during day. I noticed the little Jaerhon roo won them with sweet talking and treating them grand - the hens ignored the larger RIR and EE and Brahma roosters who did not have his fine manners to say the least.

It was so cute to see him walking slowly and chatting away to them, leading them to places with good food. The hens had been finding their own food for months but liked to follow him around now he was old enough to act the part.

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