when to move chicks to their coop


8 Years
Mar 25, 2011
i just bought two Silver Laced Wyandotte chicks, they are only a day or two old. im wondering when to put them in their coop.
I waited 8 weeks with my last batch. They just need to be fully feathered with not-to-extreme temps. Last time I also put a heating mat out for then the first few weeks just in case they got cold.

Note: Colorado Springs is infamous for it's weather. It can be 70 degrees one day and 10 the next. We've had snow in July before...
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Whe they're fully feathered about 5-6 weeks old. Mine are 4.5 weeks and their heads are almost done feathering, and bodies are fully feathered. The climate here gets down in the mid 30's still at night for another few weeks or so... so we will be putting heat out to the coop for a little while. They do great in the 50's out during the day. They outgrow their brooder QUICK!
okayy, i have two other chickens and i have to build a seperate hutch for the babies. im worried about the older ones killing the babies

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