When to move my babies to the pond?


the bird is the word
11 Years
Sep 14, 2008
Adair Co., KY
I have 5 young ducks in a pen near the house, ages 2 1/2-3 1/2 months. I also have 10 adult ducks that are out on the pond. It is prime mating season for the ducks, and most of the 'babies' are girls, and are also the youngest ones of the group.

I'm afraid that if I move the babies to the pond, the adults will bully them too much and hurt them. They haven't had much access to water, so I don't want the adult boys drowning the young girls. At what age should it be safe to move the baby ducks to the pond with the others?
Where are Miss Prissy or terrielacy when you need them?
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I don't know about ducks pond behavior but you're right to be concerned that the older drakes could bully or try to breed the young ones and over come them in the water.
I agree with Cottage Rose. I would wait a bit for the breeding season to get over with. My drakes are driving my female ducks crazy.It scares me to watch them on our pond.I swear at times it looks like the drakes are drowning the females. Poor things.
you will want to keep the baby ducks away from the adults, they need to be big enough to defend themselves. the bigger ducks will attack the smaller babies. especially the overzealous drakes!!!!
Well, the babies are all at least 2 1/2 months old, so size-wise they are the same. But I think I'll wait another month or so before integrating them.
I think i would do the same.

My Pekins have been mean to my Male Saxony who is much smaller than them. he finally got the hint and stays away from them now.

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