When to offer crushed oyster shell and opening the nest boxes


5 Years
Feb 17, 2015
King, NC
I have 7 pullets that are 18 weeks old. I noticed this morning my Buff Orpington and one of my Wellsummer's combs have turned quite red. I know that this is a sign that they are preparing lay. I haven't noticed any crouching or squatting, but have not spent my usual 1 hour so each evening watching them, I have company in. I have their nest boxes blocked off and have not purchased any layer feed, crushed oyster shell or even any hay to line the nest boxes. Should I have this on hand? Goodness, I was so prepared for my baby chicks, now I feel as though I don't have enough information in my head!! Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated! To top it all off, I leave for vacation tomorrow! I could possibly miss my first egg!!
Deep breath

You can open the boxes now or wait until you get back. You don't *have* to have them open before the first egg(s) - if they are still closed when they first lay you just open the boxes, place some bait and train them at that point. Even if your boxes were open before the first eggs there is no guarantee that they would use them as the first eggs often are found on the coop floor, in the poop board, in the run, etc....so there is really no harm whatsoever if the boxes are still closed when the time comes. Many folks use the appearance of the first egg(s) as the signal to open the boxes.
The same goes for the oyster shell - those first few eggs can come along just fine without the oyster shell, layer feed (if that is the route you are going to go), etc. As with the boxes, many folks wait until after the first egg(s) to begin offering these things.
*I* would just go on your vacation and worry about all the rest of this once you get back - here's hoping the girls hold off until you return, not because there is anything that *needs* to be done first, but just because it would be a shame to miss that first egg.
Ok thanks, they are 18 weeks this week. I'd better go get some oyster shells so I'm ready. Also, another question - someone told me that you should be some powder stuff on them to prevent bugs?

I am pretty sure the powder stuff they were talking about was Diatomaceous Earth. I use it when I clean out the coop. I put new straw down and sprinkle the DE over top. Here is a definition of DE a soft, crumbly, porous sedimentary deposit formed from the fossil remains of diatoms. Apparently, it is really sharp to bugs, but doesn't hurt chickens or humans. It is all natural and can even be eaten if it is the food grade version. I have some friends that put it in drinks and smoothies for the many health benefits. I use it in my garden for bugs and have read on here that some people use it in their feed and nesting boxes. Hope that helps!!
Ahhhh, yes deep breath!! Thank you so much @Ol grey Mare! My daughter will be here, and she loves them as much as I do, so, it would be okay if they laid while I was gone, but...
I so would like to see the first one!

Thanks for the input!!

Yes, I would say I need a vacation!!

Yay to summer sun!
If they are roosting at night where they are supposed to, give them access to the nesting boxes and bed them. They will want to test drive them beforehand. They can go though the motions for weeks before you get the first egg. You can put oyster shell on the side for now. Finish the bag of feed and when you are down to 5#, start mixing in layer.
Update: No eggs while on vacation! Thank goodness. Am opening nest boxes today, with crushed oyster shell and layer feed. So, excited!!
UPDATE!! My Easter Egger started laying last week! 6 beautiful green eggs in 7 days! Now if the other 6 would just start!

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