When to remove poults from incubator?


7 Years
Apr 13, 2017
Hi all,
I put in four eggs on Saturday, and the first hatched a day early on May 1st in the afternoon. The last three hatched early this morning between 2-4am. I am just wondering now that all of them have hatched, should I remove them right away into their brooder? I have it set up for them already, heat lamp, food, water and all. Also, when should they start eating and drinking after hatching?

This is my first time hatching eggs, and so far I've been lucky with hatch rate. Though the first egg I had hatched, she died a day later due too much handling, I believe. It was a hard lesson to learn, but I've definitely learned from it. Now I just want to make sure I make proper steps with these poults to ensure their well-being. There are 12-14 more that will be hatching next week, and then a couple eggs that my hens weren't laying on so I had to take them in (not sure if all 5 eggs I took are alive as they were cold when I found them). There's at least 9 that my two hens are currently laying on, so if all goes well hopefully I'll have around 25-30 poults.

Here's pictures of them:

All right thank you! :)
When should they start eating/drinking? I know the yolk provides them with nutrition for three days, but should I try to make sure they get water after they're moved?

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