When to set eggs??


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 9, 2009
Bryan, TX
My A&Ms are starting to lay. When can I start a batch of eggs in the bator? Should I wait a couple of weeks to make sure all are doing their business and getting fertile eggs? Just needing to start a batch so we can have more grilled quail!
Can I keep my eggs in the fridge until I have enough to start a batch? Of course I will let them come to room temp first. Or should I just leave them out a room temp until I have enough?
Max 5 days. I have 11 females (I think). I have a Hova-Bator and it can hold 140 eggs max. I was thinking that I might try 50 the first time.
We live in Texas. No basements where I live but we run the AC this time of year as it is up to near 100 in the day and only 76+ at night!

I would start to collect eggs 10 days after the first one is layed, giving a better fertility rate.

Eggs are stored at between 14-18C (sorry I don't no the Fahrenheit), do not store hatching eggs in your fridge, it's to cold.

It might be a good idea to turn stored eggs too, just to keep the inside running freely, any wild bird will do this while laying her clutch of eggs, it's not really neccessary though.

Always store hatching eggs points down too, eggs store the other way around can have the embrio damaged by the force of the air in the air sac, trying to move upwards.


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