When to start heaters and heat lamps??

We live in Minnesota and never put heat in our chicken coop in the winter. They need to grow extra feathers to keep warm, which they wouldn’t do if they had constant heat. If our electricity were to go out it could be fatal for our chickens, or at the very least they would suffer considerably.

On the coldest of days we leave them closed up in their coop and give them treats such as warm oatmeal and extra protein.

Those birds are probably growing their down coat in the air-conditioning. OK enough to that I'm outta here. LOL
I install my heat lamps so that it is ready for those really cold day or weeks where we are -20F. Otherwise, I don't use a heat lamp.

OMG fried chicken
Almost 40 years of chicken raising here in Minnesota. At first I thought I needed to close the coop up tight and heat it in the winter. It would be so humid in there, my glasses would fog up. Every year my chickens would get frostbite and respiratory issues. Then I read that they don’t need heat, but do need ventilation. While I still see some frost bitten comb tips, it’s nothing compared to what it used to be. And they come out of winter way healthier now. One way to manage the frostbite issue is to get smaller-combed birds. Rose and pea combs aren’t nearly as likely to get frostbite.

ETA - I live in MN and my chicks are in the coop from day 1 with a “mama heating pad” brooder. I have had them out there as early as April with nighttime temps in the mid to low 20s without problems.

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