when to switch from starter feed?

A friend told me that it works, and he got the information from an older man we both know, but it does work, I have found this out myself, and it is definitely worth a shot at trying, I'm honestly not for sure what it triggers to cause them to lay, but they lay better and earlier
what kind of red pepper flacks,do you use,my girls are 12 week now so i dont think i would give it just yet but in time to come,it could be handy to know
Hi all, I'm been reading the forum for awhile, but just signed up.

My birds are about 8 weeks old, just put them outside in their main coop/runner and they love it, removed the heat light and started giving them Scratch corn, I still have some chic starter left I am feeding to the ducklings and will continue to give some to the chics until its gone, I have also added some grit to them in a seperate bowl, and have been giving them lettace,, maters and clover/grass.

I forgot to ask my first question, can I start giving them laying mash and when will they began laying eggs?

really? do they (Buff Orpingtons) have a preference for red pepper flakes in feed or are they just automatic feeders - eat whatever?
I followed the ALBC recommendation:

ALBC recommends feeding for the first 16-18 weeks of age a ration containing 28% protein, most often found in Game Bird rations or Flock diets for turkeys and waterfowl. For adult birds, the feed protein level can be backed off to 18-20%.

Except I switched back to the 28% game bird feed when I noticed higher feed consumption, dropped weight and lower egg production using a 20% layer feed. I have a seperate feeder with oyster shell for them to consume as they need to.
I have a small flock they are 7 weeks old. I will run out of medicated starter this week around wed or thur. I have bought a layer 16% protien for them to switch to after they runu out of starter. I can get a mix of Milo and crim corn for $50 for 250 pounds at the local grain coop. how do i find out the protien level in that stuff. And should i feed that mix regular or should it be a trewat type thing. Ideas??

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