When will my chickens lay?


Chicken Boots
12 Years
Oct 3, 2011
My Coop
My Coop
My chicks are 3 weeks old and I got them at the end of September. When will they lay? I've been told at 6 months they will lay, but since mine are going to be still in winter at 6 months will it take them longer to lay?
What breeds do you have? Some of the less productive breeds will take longer to lay, but production pullets won't be terribly affected by winter conditions. At least that has been my experience. I keep mostly production birds and they lay like troopers regardless of light conditions when they first start out. As they age they tend to be more affected by winter's low light.

Good luck.
First year pullets normally lay right on schedule, a schedule appropriate to their breed, of course.
In your signature, you give the breeds you have, right? If so, I'd not be surprised to see you start getting eggs in spring. I love September chicks for that reason. Start looking for signs of maturity, ie; red combs/wattles and perhaps some squatting at the end of February to early March. By Easter, you'll be swimming in eggs.
most breeds lay around 6 months old some earlier some later but 6 months is average i would say. my black australorp layed at 30 weeks.and my b.os layed around 23 to 25 weeks and my slw layed around the same time my b.o's did. the weather shouldnt effect them to much depending on the climate where your at. if its colder where your at the weather might slow them down just make sure they get enough sunlight. when they squat you will get eggs pretty soon after that, but there 3 weeks old you have time to enjoy them as babies i know you will miss it once they're grown up lol.
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My Australorp girls didn't start till around 24 weeks...gorgeous hens, love them...one insists on laying one every day, under the roost...!

They are said to be GREAT layers, and should lay in the winter...with the shortening days, you may have to wait till spring...


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