when will my chickens start laying?

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Glad you joined us! Those hens look like they still need a little time. The average age for a pullet to start laying is around 25 weeks, but some of them take a bit longer and others will lay sooner. The comb, wattles and squatting is good signs and you can also check their pubic bones (if they'll let you). Hold the hen firmly and turn her on her back. Put your fingers on her breast bone and work your way down to her vent area. You should feel 2 bones sticking up. These are her pelvic bones. If you can fit only 1 finger upright between her pelvic bones she's still roughly 4 weeks off laying, 1 and 1/2 fingers means she's a little closer, 2/3 weeks and 2 or more fingers means she's either close to or laying already.
Welcome to the flock with no pecking order! I think this info is great.
I bought them from tractor supply on March the 3rd. They stay in a coop with a run area it's completely under roof. I do let them free range about 1 day a week.. should I let them out more often? We have alot of dogs that run around our neighborhood and I'm afraid they could get one of my chickens..

Sexual maturity and the onset of lay has a great deal to do with day length. Long days but especially increasing length of light each day reaching the pineal gland is as important as anything.
Do you think having the whole coop covered could affect them laying? I've let them out to free range for a little while now... how long should they be out of the coop everyday?
Light does get it.. it's under roof but covered all around with chicken wire except for a small are that made of plywood...
The covered run shouldn't make any difference since most of it is open, this time of year am sure they appreciate the shade. Brahmas are often really slow maturing, RIR are usually on the faster side, but at 22 weeks your girls aren't all that old yet ... looks like you just have to be patient for awhile longer, the waiting is hard isn't it!
The covered run shouldn't make any difference since most of it is open, this time of year am sure they appreciate the shade. Brahmas are often really slow maturing, RIR are usually on the faster side, but at 22 weeks your girls aren't all that old yet ... looks like you just have to be patient for awhile longer, the waiting is hard isn't it!

Sexual maturity and the onset of lay has a great deal to do with day length. Long days but especially increasing length of light each day reaching the pineal gland is as important as anything.

Just wondering if light bulbs help with laying at all? I have heat lamps that I not only use for chicks out in the coop but when they don't need them, I use them for light and I leave them on all night. I don't know if it helps keep the predators out of the coop but at least I don't have to fumble about looking for the light switch when I need to go out after dark.

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