When will my cream legbar start laying? 8.5 months old.


Sep 28, 2021
My Cream Legbar, Penny, is 8.5 months old. She's never laid an egg. Her comb got nice and big early this spring, but hasn't really turned red, it's more orange. She has been squatting for me for over a month, but still no eggs. Her flock mates that are the same age started laying 2-3 months ago. I'm in Missouri so it's almost summer and the weather has been warm/hot for some time already. Should I be concerned? She's the bottom of the pecking order but doesn't get picked on. She also has super long, straight claws compared to my other birds. Is that a legbar thing or just a Penny thing? She's very sweet but sometimes I get the feeling she's staring off into space trying to remember what she's doing lol

I really can't wait for our first blue egg! She's killing me.


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I don't know the answer to your questions. She does have long nails! Maybe paint them a nice orangey red to match her nice big comb and wattles while you continue to wait for an egg. :lol:
I have a leghorn who laid eggs last year (when she was a pullet, then one year old), but has only laid TWO eggs this entire year, so far. So I feel ya on the waiting part. I guess some ladies just do their own thing.
Penny is very pretty though! Fingers crossed she decides to lay soon! :fl
My Cream Legbar, Penny, is 8.5 months old. She's never laid an egg. Her comb got nice and big early this spring, but hasn't really turned red, it's more orange. She has been squatting for me for over a month, but still no eggs. Her flock mates that are the same age started laying 2-3 months ago. I'm in Missouri so it's almost summer and the weather has been warm/hot for some time already. Should I be concerned? She's the bottom of the pecking order but doesn't get picked on. She also has super long, straight claws compared to my other birds. Is that a legbar thing or just a Penny thing? She's very sweet but sometimes I get the feeling she's staring off into space trying to remember what she's doing lol

I really can't wait for our first blue egg! She's killing me.
My Cream legbar laid its first egg at 22 weeks last year. Her first egg had no shell and I got it off the floor before the others could eat it. the next egg was fine. She will lay soon, the eggs are a beautiful blue. All hens are different. Good Luck and enjoy those pretty eggs.
My first two Legbars laid at 18.5 weeks. They were from MPC/Meyer.

My next set of three laid later, I can’t remember exactly now but maybe like 21-23 weeks. They were from a breeder and they are tiny and so are their eggs.

My other breed is Welsummers and the latest one laid at 23.5 weeks. Everyone else is a cross of those two breeds in my project and again, not later than 23ish weeks.

I would be concerned something is off with the plumbing OR she is laying and you don’t know it. I don’t think the heat would delay it like that and day length isn’t an issue right now and I’m guessing she’s not molting. 🤔
Funny we have a CCL named Penny also, and she's a late layer. We're still waiting. She's also bottom of pecking order. Has yours laid now?
My Cream Legbar, Penny, is 8.5 months old. She's never laid an egg. Her comb got nice and big early this spring, but hasn't really turned red, it's more orange. She has been squatting for me for over a month, but still no eggs. Her flock mates that are the same age started laying 2-3 months ago. I'm in Missouri so it's almost summer and the weather has been warm/hot for some time already. Should I be concerned? She's the bottom of the pecking order but doesn't get picked on. She also has super long, straight claws compared to my other birds. Is that a legbar thing or just a Penny thing? She's very sweet but sometimes I get the feeling she's staring off into space trying to remember what she's doing lol

I really can't wait for our first blue egg! She's killing me.
I just Googled laying ages for all my breeds and the result I got for a Cream Legbar is 5-6 months.
I have a cream legbar named Mavis. She is the sweetest girl in my flock. I love her to pieces. She is 6 months old and has not laid a thing and is not squatting but lets me cuddle her when ever I want. I cant wait to see her adorable blue egg too!
My cream legbar, Chip is now 7 months old; still waiting... Her smaller flockmate, Dale, also a cream legbar, started laying at about 6 months. I keep looking for hidden eggs in the yard! All my girls use their boxes to lay. Chip doesn't even look inside the nesting boxes! But she is really sweet and likes to be held, and she is my husband's favorite, so I guess she pays her rent in affection!

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