When will my golden comets start laying?


8 Years
Mar 18, 2011
Hi all,

I'm SOOOO new to this. I have 2 Golden Comets. They're such nice birds. They're my first (getting two Black Austraulorps in a few weeks). They eat like queens. Great table scraps, plenty of egg laying crumble, the works. They have a lovely pen and a nice white hen house. So, why in the world aren't they laying?

I should tell you they are young 16-17 weeks old, so I know they are young. One has started doing this squatting thing with its wings partially out when I go to pick her up.

ALso, they seem to poop in their nest (and sleep there). Is that a problem? I put nice bedding down in where their perches are located, but am I doing something wrong?


Desperately seeking eggs
They'll start laying any time now. Mine started at 17 weeks.

Good luck and enjoy those eggs.
thanks. I feel like they are really close, but I'm so impatient. I have to tell myself not to look 10 times a day!
When they go to sleep at night, go in and put them up on the roost, they get the idea after a few days. After I moved my chickens, my roo and one of the hens were sleeping in one of the nests, I went out there every night for 3-4 days and put them up on the roost. Now the only time I have poopy nests is if one of the hens have poop on their feet when they come in
, then I have to wash the eggs.
If I am right golden comets are also known as ISA browns and red sexlinks. Mine sold to me as ISA browns started sometime after 20 weeks.
THese sexlinks are each a bit different; and the individual girls can have their own biological clock. THey lay when they lay. Keep watching! I know I would be, too! Enjoy the first egg--it's truly special!

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