When will my sweet duck be back?


5 Years
Jun 8, 2016
Mocha is a Cayuga. She was very sweet. Calm, easy to hold, maybe a little sciddish. She built a beautiful nest and went broody for the first time. She wasn't great at having a nest, broke some eggs, knocked many out... but she was a good sitter and defender. Well... she wasn't a good mom first time around. Killed one baby and we took the rest from her and have been raising them in a brooder inside. We destroyed her nest. It's been two weeks. Shes been laying everyday again.

But she is mean now. She won't accept the other ducks we have that are full grown. They were introduced around the time she went broody but always enclosed seperate from her. She chases them every time they get close. She is nice to her male companion. She does the broody quack when we pick her up. She just seems super territorial. Will she calm down, or do we have a feisty duck for life?
I noticed that she is more calm this week. Three weeks post egg and duckling removal. She chases the 3 month old ducks less. Yesterday they actually ate watermelon together without issue. She also let me hold her with out quacking and was very calm.
My little black Swedish has been nesting for almost 2 months now. She is overbred a bit and had egg issues and reproductive tract infections in the past so she no longer lays. Shes been so moody! Today I finally separated them (I just have a male and female), and blocked her nest. They are not happy. I hope the hormones fade fast! I miss my baby.
Takes time for those hormones to settle. I have two broody’s now with no eggs. Boy are they hateful to everyone. Here I just let it run it’s course.

I would agree that it would take time for the hormones to settle also. I'm grateful you brought this up.

So do you think it would be better for him to just leave the eggs in if its going to take time to clear anyway?

If the basis for removing the eggs was to calm her and make her less broody, and if that will take time anyway, then we could revisit the decisions from the beginning to help the thread poster.

And how long is the total full broody time going to last naturally if carried full course? How much difference will there be between that and a shortened broody period? (Is it enough to make a difference?)

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