When will my turkey lay eggs


In the Brooder
12 Years
Mar 24, 2007
Cedar Rapids, Ia
I have a bourbon red turkey hen, she is 6 months. I was wondering when she would start laying eggs. My tom is also 6 months, at what age will he start doing his stuff?
Should be pretty soon (egg laying). Our Royal laid at seven months/Slate hen at eight months. Our toms were observed to be `throwing air ball' (mating with thin air) at a little over eight months but having three toms might have hastened things a bit (too much testosterone). Didn't actually throw out the wing for the mating dance until about ten months (though the toms tried to mate at eight months the hens were having none of it). Actual, successful mating was observed at eleven months.
My tom and 3 hens are about 9 months old. I just the other day, witnessed Adam doing the deed. Now....wondering where and how to set up nests for them. Guess I will just get a bunch of brush, and throw it in the run. I hear they like to nest in brush....of course, there will be a big wooden crate under the brush..to help keep them dry and warm. Lay ladies lay!!
I haven't noticed our Tom doing anything yet, but he sure likes to show off. When I come out he always fans his feathers, gobbles and struts. I probably better go ahead and put a nesting box in the barn for her. They don't like anything new, they'll need time to get use to it.

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