When will roos start crowing?


Dec 29, 2015
Hockley, TX
I have 11 chicks born on Halloween +/- 1 day, so they are 8 weeks old now. Most appear to be Rhode Island Reds. I have 1 suspected rooster, because his comb and wattles developed pretty early on and are turning red. I have 2 more with bigger combs than the others, but my neighbor seems to think we have NO roosters. When will I know for sure if any of these are roosters? When do they start crowing? We've never had chickens from chicks before - just hens given to us. Thanks for your help! I love reading the posts because I'm learning a lot!
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My suspected rooster, Garryowen, who had a larger comb than anyone at 4 weeks.

Garryowen (left) next to two unknowns, but suspected roos?

Two suspected roos next to what I'm sure is a pullet - all same age.

This one I thought was the only Leghorn, but he/she has some light coloring around the neck and brown flecks on the wings you can barely see on the far right. Hard to compare comb size because he/she is the only one of this color/breed. The farmer who donated the eggs to our school had lots of breeds of hens and roosters running around so this could be a mixture. He/she flew up onto my knee and settled in for a nap.

My suspected rooster, Garryowen, who had a larger comb than anyone at 4 weeks.

Garryowen (left) next to two unknowns, but suspected roos?

Two suspected roos next to what I'm sure is a pullet - all same age.

This one I thought was the only Leghorn, but he/she has some light coloring around the neck and brown flecks on the wings you can barely see on the far right. Hard to compare comb size because he/she is the only one of this color/breed. The farmer who donated the eggs to our school had lots of breeds of hens and roosters running around so this could be a mixture. He/she flew up onto my knee and settled in for a nap.

All of the birds with red combs are male. Pullets do not start to turn red in the combs until they are getting close to laying, usually around 14 to 18 weeks old.

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