When will she give birth

This thread started out being kind and helpful, and now it seems like everyone is pressuring the OP into doing something she has clearly stated she cannot do. Maybe animal control won't do anything where she lives. And how is she supposed to get the dog to a shelter? She said she can't drive, and her parent won't do anything. Most shelters, other than Humane society's, euthanize dogs and cats that aren't adopted out after so long, or if they don't have enough space. Most humane society's won't take in dogs from somebody dropping them off, or they call it "surrendering" animals, and there is usually a fee. I think the OP is already doing everything she can, and doing a great job of it. She has helped this dog in tremendous ways. Most people wouldn't even care, and she is doing everything she can while risking getting in trouble.
If that does happen, I will be willing to do the extra work.
Hats off to you! Good luck!

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