When will she give birth

One more thing, if you do keep feeding her OP, which I think is fine, do not let her run around and play after she eats. She needs to rest for at least 30 mins or longer. She could get bloat from playing too soon after she eats. Bloat is a deadly condition where the stomach twists and traps gas in the body. It is an emergency and is 100% deadly without surgery
Okay I will make sure she doesn’t play after eating next time. Thanks, I didn’t know that.
I wanted to point out earlier that her being afraid of a bat does not neccesarily mean abuse. My dog will cower when we shoot archery or someone cracks whips, but there's nothing I've done that could give him a bad association there. A lot of animals dont like loud noises until they become accustomed to them.

But as @tripletfeb said, I'm not there so I'm not saying shes not being abused. Just that it's possible shes not.

She could also have previously been abused and have PTSD or specific triggers even if shes not being abused now.
Yea but they’ve personally told me if they find her at our house they beat them. That’s why I get a little scared with them coming over. I’ve seen her smack them more than once and they were literally yelping.
Like I said before, IF she had puppies, they would probably be weaned by now. And maybe I'm not seeing it but she doesn't look terribly skinny. Yes, you can see her ribs. But that's actually not starving her. A little rib showing is healthy in dogs. OP, can you see and feel her spine? And just because she gobbles down food when you feed her does not mean they are starving her. My dog will eat all day long if he could. He gets 4 cups of food a day. And has some ribs showing. Vet and I agree that he is at the perfect weight. But he would happily keep eating if I kept giving him food. If dogs have a layer of fat over their ribs or spine, they are actually a little over weight(most breeds). I am not saying that she is not being abused. I'm just trying to be a voice of reason on what seems like a thread of bashing people that only the OP knows.
I actually know about that, somebody told us that. My dog is a good size, his ribs are showing but barely.

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