When will the guineas start brooding?

Interesting... I'd love to see some articles about better viability rates with refrigerated eggs, please post a link, if you can find one.

I've never seen any major hatchery online that sells fertile eggs giving instructions to refrigerate them, or even recommend refrigerating them if they aren't going to set them right away... just to let them "rest" and come to room temp for 24 hours before setting.
the biology class at our school tested it and come to find out the refrigerated eggs hatched better. nothing better than experimenting!
Interesting discussion. I have often wondered what temp is too cold to hold them at. Sounds like an idea for a school science project to me.
(Will keep in mind for next year, DD will be doing a science fair). I just left the eggs outside in the nest in the coop, but I'm sure it got down in the 40's at least a couple nights. The one egg I kept in the house was kept between 60-70, and was two weeks old when I put it in the incubator. All the others were up to 10 or 12 days old.
Just to update, the guineas are still using the nest in the coop.
When do you candle guinea eggs for the first time?

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