when will they start laying


In the Brooder
6 Years
May 4, 2013
I have 3 chickens that are 23weeks old when are they likely to start laying? do they each need their own little "cubby" to lay in?
Three chickens should be able to share one nesting box. I would expect eggs any day. Some breeds are just a little later at lay commencement is all. Also, look around for any hiding places they may be laying instead of in their nesting box.

Here are some signs that pullets are ready to lay:

  • When you wave your hand over them, do they duck and put their wings up? If they do, that's a sign that they are getting ready to lay.
  • Pick up each bird and feel for the bones that are like little knobs on either side and just to the front (towards the pullet's head) of her vent. If you can lay two fingers between them with wiggle room, then she is close. That means her pelvis has widened to allow the eggs to pass.
  • Look at their vents. If they are round and dry (look sort of like a kitty's butt but not quite as puckered and tight), then they aren't ready to lay. If they are wide, flat instead of round, and glossy/moist, then she is ready to lay. This is something to look at if/when you have a full-grown hen who hasn't been laying. If you want to see if she's just missing a few days or is truly taking a break from laying (for instance, during moult), check the vent. It'll go back to round and dry if she's taking an extended break.
  • Are their combs red and getting bigger? This signifies sexual maturity in a pullet who is ready to lay.

this is the "coop" I made them when they were smaller I now have this out in their run. ( without the doors now though)

I haven't noticed if they duck down or not. I will go out and check them out in a bit.

my buff orpingtons comb is getting bigger and more red. my 2 aruacana (forgive the spelling) are not as much. once I get home I can post pics of them.

thank you for your help!
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Aw, they look cute. I see tail feathers on the one dark one that isn't behind the waterer, so probably an Easter Egger. Araucanas don't have tail feathers and don't even have a tailbone. They're known as "rumpless" and ONLY lay blue eggs.

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