When you need to contact a moderator


Premium Feather Member
12 Years
Jan 26, 2007
BC, Washington Border
The report button is your friend.

If it is about a specific post or thread click the red flag on the post.
A box like the one below will appear.
If it is a general question for mods you can do the same and just insert your question in the comments box. The mod on duty will get it in the queue and respond as soon as they can.

A mod list will be added once we get the other things in order.
It's another one of those; hated it when we first tested the system and mod queue, and after playing with it came to understand how much easier it actually makes things. Love the system now.
At the top of each post in a thread, it tells you how long ago a person posted.

CAN THAT BE CHANGED TO THE TIME of Day?... ya know, the way it was in the old BYC?

little things that drive me nuttier....
I was a little concerned when BYC changed over, but the more time I spend here "playing with all the toys" the more I like it. There are a lot of new & different things. Change can be good!

It's another one of those; hated it when we first tested the system and mod queue, and after playing with it came to understand how much easier it actually makes things. Love the system now.
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