when you say 28 days for the ducks...

and actually I am based in New Zealand so just across the ditch from you...lol

Well then...howdy neighbour...is it warming up nicely over there at the moment too??? We are having a lot of "typical " Melbourne weather here lately- but the good days are just gorgeous.

Great news on yours... 3 little cuties Im sure. Hope the rest all make it out ok too.

I have 10 pipped this morning ( some only internal so far) with signs two have started to unzip. A few of mine are back wards in the egg...I thought the new incubator may have solved that issue I have been having.. Hopefully by the tiime I get home form work today I will have a few out.​
Well then...howdy neighbour...is it warming up nicely over there at the moment too??? We are having a lot of "typical " Melbourne weather here lately- but the good days are just gorgeous.

On the contrary it is still a bit chilly. We had a nice week last week but this week has been cold again. Can't wait until summer.......

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