When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

I'd like to hear mississippifarmboy sing
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Veterinarian! I was so into it, nothing bothered me, the blood, surgery--then one day I was like
, and have been really squeamish ever since. Then from that it was Olympic Dressage rider, but I learned that working your way up the top of the horse ladder you come across really mean, mean and nasty people, so that's on hold indefinitely. I have always had a fascination with Archeology and Paleontology, love digging in the dirt and finding stuff, but my area is devoid of fossilized treasures--I would have to move and I love where I live.

So now I am trying to start a farm business and I also have a historical building in my town that I would like to renovate and sell bulk foods in or something.

Cool thread!
When we were little, my brother and I went and asked dad what we could be when we grew up. He told us we could be anything we wanted! We were so excited! We ran outside and sat down and made plans on what we were going to be. He decided to be a monkey, and me a little black and white puppy. We could not wait!!! We are still waiting!!
A county extension agent when young then a research scientist in high school. Shoulda stuck with the first one as I couldn't pull the freight for the second. Never came close to either.
I am a Nuclear Technician and former US Navy Submariner---You might want to rethink the engineer part of nuclear technology unless you like wandering around carrying a clipboard with a lost in thought expression as you fall into the green goo (metaphor). Us Technicians are always pulling their fat out of the fire (so to speak). But to get you started you can cruise the nuclear forums for jobs and hyjinks at:

P.S. I'm darkmatter there also
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This would be a good field as there are less and less large animal vets around these days. Suburban on the edge of rural areas can really use these kinds of vets. Everyboyd is going just into pets.

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