When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?

This would be a good field as there are less and less large animal vets around these days. Suburban on the edge of rural areas can really use these kinds of vets. Everyboyd is going just into pets.

You just have to go to college for so long.......and I'm not very scholastically minded.
Been wanting to be a nun for a long time until they gave me some insights of rigid and pitious living. No thanks! Then I wanted to be a vet, done that but failed with the long hours, couldn't hack it out without my eyelids going shut and figured I got a lot of growing up to do.

Too many of us went to college to become something and ended up doing something else for years. My Dad wanted to be a lawyer, did some courses on it, found out not his calling, then went accounting major...didnt find any jobs until he bumped into Xerox, worked there for almost 38 years and retired. My sis went into the Army, went to college on GI bill, grad with accounting major then ended up being a bus driver and sub teacher.
I wanted to be a vetranarian but then found out motherhood was a HUGE challange in itself so made sure I was home for my kids instead. Luckily I was able to do that. I feel horrible for those mothers who want to be hom but cannot
And I give them credit for being able to work AND raise children which is NOT an easy job.

Now I work at a hotel and LOVE it. Love working with people and seeing/meeting so many new people every day
I wanted to be a mommy, a housewife, a teacher, a country farm girl, veterinarian, a bed and breakfast or hunting lodge owner, and a gourmet cook. Two out of seven isn't bad.... and I am a really good cook! Praise the Lord!

Now I just want to be loved and appreciated!!
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