When your chickens are actually tiny dinosaurs.

My hens mostly came from cages and are now learning the ways of free ranging. I guess they've learned well. I think I should teach them how to hunt more things, then maybe I wont have to feed them! XD
haha, just throw them a few people you don't like......
imagine how much you would save if they just survived on what they found. oh well
Eek! Ferocious beasts. I put some live crickets in with my 3 week olds last night thinking it would keep them busy chasing them around. No way! They chased those crickets down in 3 seconds flat!
My husband buys my girls crickets once in a while and they go crazy. Haven't seen one escape yet.
Brilliant, one great thing about where I used to live was all the fallen rotting trees. with a small axe I would break apart some of the fallen logs and help the girls search for the bugs, worms etc etc they loved it
Brilliant, one great thing about where I used to live was all the fallen rotting trees. with a small axe I would break apart some of the fallen logs and help the girls search for the bugs, worms etc etc they loved it
Bet they thought it was Christmas!
yeap, they sure did, anything to do with digging was rewarded with a huge flocking of chickens. any treat is like Christmas haha
EEEEEEEEE! I'm about to have some new baby dinosaurs!

My hen went broody so I put a couple of her eggs under her.. Didn't think they'd HATCH because they were in the fridge, but I thought 'What do I have to lose?'

Two little pips so far!

Edit: Once her egg(s) hatches, do you think I could stick some extra day old chicks under her? She's going to get, at most three... But most likely only two chicks from her month of sitting.
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If you think she will accept them and they are day old then yes. At least 6 in total to make it worth while. To few and If they 'loose' some which often happens then they will realise and go a bit funny. ( it's been proven that chickens can count to 4 and recognize up to 100 different faces/ birds )

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