

8 Years
Jul 18, 2011
Benson, NC
When will my ROO start CROOOWWWINNNGG!! I mean I know most people would prefer thier roo not crow, but we live in the country and my daughter is anxious to hear her Rolo crow. He is 4 1/2 months old...thanks!
At 4 1/2 months I would think he would have already been crowing! I don't own a rooster so I don't have any experiences, but I do read a lot here, and most say their roosters started to crow at different ages. Most way before 4 1/2 months. Has he started to "practice" his crowing? Maybe you have a pullet?
Ours is just over 4 months (Light Sussex) and still not crowing. He seems to give it a try now and then, but nothing discernible. We've had three others that started crowing at 5-6 weeks, so I'm kinda glad he's being different
I have a 4 month old cockerel and he does not crow. I also have a 'supposed' rooster that is 8 months old and is not crowing. I do doubt the older one is really a roo at all, but it's different for every roo.

Cherish the silence while you have it
Well first off, I am sure he is a definite ROO...We have a pullet also that is a Barneveldor...She is definitely a Hen and Rolo is Definitely a ROO...I have a pic of him if I could ever figure out how to post them on here...anyways..he isn't even practicing...or trying. One of our neighbors has a roo and I hear him all the time and think maybe Rolo might try to answer him. but no go...hmmm....

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