Where can I buy organic feed layer in Texas?


9 Years
Mar 11, 2011
I'd like to start feeding my chickens good organic feed to see if that will improve their overall health, but the cost of purchasing any organic feed layer online is going to kill me with the charge for shipping & handling!

Does anyone know where I can get quality organic feed layer in the Dallas metroplex/ Texas?

Thanks in advance!
I've fed my layers Coyote Creek for 2.5 years. They absolutely love it and the egg shells are super thick and strong. It's loaded with probiotics, too.

They will also take the time to talk to you and answer any questions you have. Great customer service.

They make a no-soy version but my hens seem to produce better with the original formula.
Have yall noticed less eggs in yall hens someone said it could be the heat, since yall are from Texas like me I thought I would ask I figured it was the food and that I needed to change to something else.

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