Where Can I Find Diatomaceous Earth?

check with your local co op feed store if they do not have it they should be anle to order it. It woold ne with the garden or feed Diatomaceous Earth Food Grade .It is 21.00 here for a 50lb bag .
That's a good point about the expiration date! haha! I guess a million and one years won't hurt!
If it really works to get rid of fleas it is worth every penny because frontline is so high!
How much do you guys put in the chicken feed?
I liberally sprinkle it in their bedding, their sand box, and their nest boxes, and mix it around. On occasion, I'll lightly sprinkle a little into their feed containter (I don't measure...I think of it like salting food). Some people make a paint mixture from it (mix w/water) and paint their roosts with it. And of course you can dust your birds with it if mites become an issue.
I had my local farmers co-op order me a 50# bag; it was $39.99, I think. When I got it this summer, at the time I had about 200 chickens and other birds of various sizes and I have not even made a real dent in the bag at all. It goes a very long way!
How much do you guys put in the chicken feed?

The only useful reason to put it in feed is to kill insects while it's being stored.
Once the chickens eat it, it's no longer effective

7-10 lbs will treat one ton of grain​

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