where can i find full grown hens?


designated lawn flamingo
9 Years
May 27, 2010
Reno, Nevada
does anyone know where i might be able to just buy adults? i bought three chicks from a feed store a few weeks back and so far its looking like i have two roos. i really dont want to raise more chicks, but i did want three hens.
besides craigslist or something, is there a place i can call or anything to buy full grown hens? i live in reno nevada. thank you.
If you can wait just a little longer till your county or state fair, sometimes there are hens for sale ....I bought a lovely barred rock one year that layed eggs for years...
You shouldn't buy chickens from when they're an adult. and the chickens may look like roosters, 2 of my chickens looked like roosters but turned out being a hen, it's only 5% chance of your chicken turning into a rooster
What? Why shouldn't you buy birds when they're an adult? There is a 50% chance your bird could be a rooster. Male (50%) or Female (50%).

OP, you can also look on your local craigslist, freecycle, and kijiji to see if anyone nearby is selling birds.
They have beaks, they're just shorter, blunted... I've seen them both ways, and their is less issue w pecking when their beaks are "trimmed" (not cut off all the way)

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