Where Can I Get 2 Young Cockerels?

Oh man, I wish I was in OR! I would love to have a Wyandotte rooster!

I live in NC. Most of the feed stores here either only sell pullets or the only straight run orders they bring in are ducks, turkeys, guineas, and bantams. I don't want bantam roosters.
Were you ever successful on finding 2 young cockerels? I'm in the same position right now. I've been looking for one cockerel (either a barred Plymouth rock or australorp) but haven't been able to find anything on craigslist or at hatcheries without having to purchase a minimum of 15-20 chicks.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Were you ever successful on finding 2 young cockerels? I'm in the same position right now. I've been looking for one cockerel (either a barred Plymouth rock or australorp) but haven't been able to find anything on craigslist or at hatcheries without having to purchase a minimum of 15-20 chicks.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Welcome to BYC @kaboyer23 !
This a very old thread, and the OP is no longer active...
...but wait about 6 weeks or so and there will be a ton of cockerels on craigslist etc.

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