Where can you buy purebred chickens in NC or SC?


12 Years
Jun 14, 2007
South Carolina
My husband's friend has his chicken coop all built and ready for chickens. He's been asking my DH where to buy purebred chickens. Not sure what he wants but I told DH I'd try to help. Are there any farms in SC or southeastern NC where he can go look at the chickens and pick some out? I tried an internet search and just ended up frustrated. Thanks for any advice/help/contact information.
They have an auction in Walterboro SC on the 2nd Saterday of the month. It is a goat auction but they sale poultry after. Ifyou need more info you can e-mail me. Brad.
Not sure how far you are from Cleveland Co, but we have a good auction here every Thursday night. I would check the county that you live in to see if they have livestock auctions.
The NC Poultry group is having a sale @ Lexington , NC's Tractor Supply store parking lot--this coming weekend I think!!--(right of the Hwy)-at Hwy 8 exit...

There is also a livestock sale every Wednesday morning in Lexington, NC..off old Hwy 64.

Look on your local craigslist and newspapers too!--or call your local extension agent for local breeders!
There are several good breeders in SC and there are shows coming soon. There are also breeders on this list from SC. What are you looking for?
We live in Gaston County. Where and when is the auction in Cleveland County?
I'm not sure he even knows what he wants. I think his best bet is to visit one of the livestock auctions you all suggested. Thanks!

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