Where did Mc Murray go?


11 Years
Jul 9, 2008
I was looking for supplies last night and went to look at their website and got a funny page with a note the domain had expired. Tried again this morning- same deal. I tried the link from BYC and my own search and I still can't find them. Is it just me or have they dissapeared suddenly????
Is it just me then? We are talking about #3 on Gran Habano's list. When I click on the link I get a blue page with a smiling woman on it. If you click on any of the relevent surrounding topics- say chicks all you get is a web search with links. At the top of the page It had a domain expired message in small type next to the mcmurray.com heading.
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That is the same page I get alright. Click on it. Look for books, chicks, a way to contact them for a catalog, anything. . It is possible that they redesignd the website but I don't think This page is connected with the hatchery.
i was able to access all of it. i dunno what it could be but it all showed up fine on my puter. edited to say try rebooting your puter and see if that helps any.
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If you used the link above your post...that's it. that's the right page... http://www.mcmurrayhatchery.com/

It should have a big banner announcing Murray
McMurray Hatchery, a sort of blurry pic of a rooster in the upper left hand corner and "Day Old Baby Chickens" announced in the lines below. The left hand has all the menus for clicking... I don't know why you would not be directed to its shops. Might want to restart your browser or try a different browser. Sometimes pages won't work in certain browsers especially if they have been recently updated.
Wow, so you could actually get in there and say order a book or wazine or something? I order stuff from them all the time, and although the chick season is slowing down I realy wanted Gail Damerows (sp?) book on chicken care and diseases and a few things like wormer just to have on hand. I can order it from another place I guess.

Too weird but thanks for the quick response. I realy appreciate it. I did click on your link by the way. I'm going to try a couple of other places just to make sure I can get in there. could there be some kind of block on my browser?
What browser are you using? I am using firefox and it is working fine. Sometimes browsers go a bit crazy on sites especially if the site has made a change recently or the browser software has been updated recently.

If it has worked in the past, I say just restart your browser or try a different browser (firefox is free to download)... if the page looks different than you remembered it, but is still the McMurray page with all the fixin's of birds and stuff for sale, then they probably have changed it a bit since you were last there. I can get to all the menus and links it has listed. *shrug*
Good luck.
Well, looks like I can get in to all the other hatcheries. I tried Whelp, Ideal, MPC, Cackle. I did just renew my antivirus so maybe? I use internet explorer and you're right they do occasionally develop issues. No it realy is not a redesigned web page I'm getting, not just an error site not found message either...

Thank you everyone

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