Where do you buy cheap meal worms?

You can get them off of ebay for cheap and then save some so you can raise them yourself, you will always have some available.
I go to the reptile show and they are pretty cheap.
2.00 for 250 worms
5.00 for 500 worms
There are more amounts but i don't remember the price
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I get them from Amazon, 5 lbs dried is $28, including shipping. Here is the link:


They are called Yummyworms, and my birds love them. I'm getting ready to attempt growing my own, I think that might be less expensive than buying even the dried ones. But my birds do love these, and I've noticed they lay more consistently, and larger eggs, since I've been feeding these.

I have 5 hens and it is getting expensive to buy them meal worms as snacks at the local pet store ($5 for 100). Does anyone have any suggestions on where to order meal worms at a good price? I would probably order anywhere from 1,000-2,000 at a time. Thanks for your help
Ever consider raising mealworms?

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