Where do you find a water wiggler....


10 Years
Mar 23, 2009
Or how do you make a homemade one.... I looked in walmart today with no success... except having to buy my daughter a toy because we went through toy aisles....

they are really cheap items you have to go to a 99 cents store or something like that its only those types of places that I can find them
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To make a homemade one,you need an empty paper towel roll, a zip lock bag and some warm water. Cut the empty roll to about the length of the zip lock bag. Put warm water in the zip lock bag, just under an inch. Then remove the air and zip the bag closed. Make sure the bag does not leek. Roll up the zip lock bag with the temperature probe in the middle. Then slide the tube inside the empty paper towel roll. If the tube is too big, remove some of the water and try again. This should resemble what the density of an egg would be.

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