Where Does Your Chicken Lay?


Oct 27, 2019
NSW, Australia
Hey All!

I’ve got this one chicken (barnevelder) named Cedar. She likes to lay in random places! When she first started laying, she laid with her mom and sister in this nesting box but after a few goes at that she wasn’t interested anymore. She started laying in this bush when I free ranged all my chickens. I think she got annoyed when I found her secret spot though. Since I can’t free range my chickens all the time she likes to lay in front of the door and next to a water bowl (in the dirt). Now her new favourite spot is beneath the ferns, in this small dirt patch which she has dug out to be her own.
Here she is:


So I’ve made this thread for everyone! Post pictures of nests, chickens, chickens in nests, chickens laying, etc. WHATEVER! Basically I want to see all your girls nests! And beautiful eggs! Feel free to tell stories of nests that might of held eggs that you didn’t know of, weird laying stories, first eggs! and alike!

Hope to see some cool posts! :) ;) :)
When I used to had a pair of Sebrights...I did not provide a nesting box for the hen. She lays which ever places she pleases. It was usually at the very back end of the opposite end of the coop.

When my dad made them a new coop. I gotten a new large fowl hen. I had a nesting box. Both started to lay in it. I've had some occasions where the new hen wouldn't lay in the nesting box, but anywhere in the coop floor. I think my Sebright hen was giving her a hard time when she wanted to lay in there.
I've had chickens lay in strange places (unfortunately no pictures though). I've had some lay in pots, bushes and long grass. One in particular, named Henrietta, used to escape her coop every morning and lay an egg in some long grass in a garden. We eventually removed the grass and put it in our green bin. She must have known where we put it because we found her laying in the bin! We had to climb in to get the egg, because it was pretty far down.

Another chicken, named Luna, laid one of her first eggs on my lap!

Another chicken, named Daffodil, also doesn't like laying eggs in her coop. She used to lay them in a bush, but now prefers to lay them in our outdoor kitchen, behind the knife block! One of her first eggs though, she laid in a sleeping bag. We had tents set up in our backyard, which she loved going in. It was a really hot day, so she almost suffocated herself inside there.
I've had chickens lay in strange places (unfortunately no pictures though). I've had some lay in pots, bushes and long grass. One in particular, named Henrietta, used to escape her coop every morning and lay an egg in some long grass in a garden. We eventually removed the grass and put it in our green bin. She must have known where we put it because we found her laying in the bin! We had to climb in to get the egg, because it was pretty far down.

Another chicken, named Luna, laid one of her first eggs on my lap!

Another chicken, named Daffodil, also doesn't like laying eggs in her coop. She used to lay them in a bush, but now prefers to lay them in our outdoor kitchen, behind the knife block! One of her first eggs though, she laid in a sleeping bag. We had tents set up in our backyard, which she loved going in. It was a really hot day, so she almost suffocated herself inside there.
Definitely some good stories there!
When I first moved into my current house and started free ranging, we had many nests hidden in bushes. These days everyone lays in the nest boxes pretty well, except for the occasional egg in the vacant brooder where I’ve been keeping spare straw.
I have a coop, a sample of sorts on spec for markets I built that I embellished with folk art. Ever since it went live on my space one of my hens has insisted on laying in it, I think she likes the fact that is is new, and like a cat, has a sense of enjoying the finer things in life. I took it with me to do some art shows last summer and she replied, not by returning to her old box in the old coop, but by building a nest behind a stack of storage bins on our porch. When I put the coop back at the end of the season, she waddled back in and I often find her sitting in there much of the day. Now if she will just stop molting some time this year and lay regularly again!!!
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I can't find any photos of the house itself right off the bat, but here are pics of the walls before I put it together. What can I say, the hen has good taste, LOL.


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