where is a good place to get turkeys from come spring

I have a bb Bronze hen in with a Narragansett tom, and she started laying eggs last week.

Today, my Bourbon Red Tom was breeding the hen. I'm not that happy with eggs this early, but what the heck. I am putting the BBB's eggs in the incubator tomorrow to see if they are fertile.

I'm about the same as sonew123, I've been drooling over your White Hollands for a while now Steve. I know some people think the solid whites are boring but to me the contrash of the snow white body, black beard, and red head makes them beautiful, and I had great luck with a duck hatching some of my bourbons red eggs last year and my buff ducks set constantly, like 3-4 times a year, and plus I have some scovies now so as soon as spring comes and I have a broody duck, I'll be after 6 -12 of your Holland eggs Steve. And hopefully they will do well and I can start raising some off every year for meat.
When would be a good time to contact you to get
midgets, bronze palm and bourbons at the same time if possible to have just one brooder up for growing up rather then seperate sets. and times.
Steve I butchered 24 tukeys today
I was the gutter and pee yuuuuuuu they were white broad breasted's...18 lbs to 38 lbs I thought I was going to help with 4 turkeys NOT 24! At least now I know what the ehck Im doing when it comes time for butchering!!!! Cant wait to order your eggs...
Clint, I like the white feathered myself. They don't sell that well for us localy since there are quite a few turkey houses in out area and and most think BBW when they see a white turkey.

Leo, Probably about the beginning of March - the Bronze are always the last to start laying

Nat, 24 turkeys - to many for me at one time. We have some friends coming over this morning to help process theirs. They have never done it before, she is a city gal and sort of a clean freak, he has hunted a little. It should a funny funny morning. LOL

Thanks Steve i will be in contact.

I did one tom today and 5 roos, Dont have a weight yet as i dont have a scale here, will bring one home from work monday and see what he weighed, A bourbon read, the only one that made it from the foxes.
Hi Steve
Im interested in ordering from you in the spring as well. I have a few questions.

What breed do you suggest for first time turkey owners? I will be raising them for meat. I butchered my first turkey this thanksgiving and have been going back and forth on the Bourbon Red, Royal Palm, and Standard Bronze.

Also when should I place my order?

Do you see the chicks or just the eggs?

Thanks so much!
Of the 3 you mentioned the Bourbon has the best taste followed closely by the Palm (the Palm has less breast meat due to the shape of the breast bone). The Bronze are the largest and I would rank 3rd on taste. For meat you want to go with Bourbon or Bronze.

For a first timer I would pass over the Palms - they are more sensitive/ less hardy than the other 2. Not by much but enough to notice. We only sell eggs if we hatch they are pick up only. We are going to start taking orders after Christmas.

How about Midget Whites for a turkey newbie? Would Bourbons be easier to raise?

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