Where should I buy my Red Sexlinks

Personal experience...ordered 100 Gold Comet pullets from Mt. Healthy

Recieved 107 birds all alive, and only 1 roo in the bunch!

Not sure what size order you are considering, but for the money, and for that breed...thats my recomendation.
Hi, I have had great luck with McMurray. I have 150 birds from MM. I realize they are not show quality, but they are very pretty birds and have been very healthy. What breeds are you looking for, because I probably have it and can tell you more about the quality, temperament and egg laying ability.
How big are their eggs? I have Gold Comments from Belt Hatchery in CA. and the eggs are still pretty small. They have only been laying for a couple of months, so I am hoping they will get larger with time. I have Pearl White Leghorns and am hoping to find sexlinks that lay the same size eggs - but in brown.
I am hoping to find a brown egg layer that lays as well as my white leghorns. I am planning on getting RIR this year to try. From what I have read, BO don't lay as well, are bigger and eat more. Have is your experience? I only know what I've read since I have never owned any.
I ordered from Cackle this year, ordered Golden comets and red Sexlinks. The red sex links are really light and really efficient egg layers only skip a day in egg laying every 2 weeks, Golden comets are a little heavier but still small and also really great egg layers, they also matured really fast. And from cackle I got 100% correct on their sexing. No one single roo

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