Where should I...?


8 Years
Feb 5, 2011
Central, LA
I was wondering, should I put my feeders and waterers inside my coop or out in the run? Or both? Any feedback would be help full. I think maybe in the run to entice them to leave the coop during the day?
Cool, I wasn't sure after looking at several coops on BYC I noticed some were inside and some were outside & really got me thinking! Thanks
I have mine in the run so the sun shines on it in the winter and unfreezes it if it happens to freeze. My run is also sheltered so that helps keep out the rain and snow.
Wherever you put your feed, be sure it's in a place where you can keep it dry - damp feed goes moldy pretty quickly, and moldy feed can cause illness and even death.
I have feeder and waterer in both run and coop. They work both locations pretty hard too,LOL. My run feeder is under the partial roof and stays dry. I got a free water trough that was used for hogs from a friend. It holds probably 10 Gal. I change it every few days. My feeder is also a hog feeder that they have to puch the door in to get the feed. You can hear em from the house when they get at it.
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I have water outside and inside. I put the food inside only...otherwise I am feeding the neighborhood wild birds.

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