Where to buy fertile eggs? pacific northwest a big plus!


8 Years
Apr 12, 2011
Portland, OR
Where did you buy your eggs? How did they turn out? Would you buy from there again?

I would love to find a seller in the pacific northwest area but ordering online wouldn't be the end of the world. I am looking for a random assortment of eggs, I wan't to be surprised on breed and gender. I'm also curious about other poultry eggs. But most of all I'm looking for what you have found is best. Don't be discouraged from replying if your source isn't in the pacific northwest or is specific to chickens. I'm really open to anything at this point. I tried Google, but the websites I came across seemed a bit unprofessional and I didn't have a lot of faith in them. I'd like to hear straight from the egg hatchers themselves. Thanks!
I've gotten all of my hatching eggs locally, from other parts of WA or OR through the wonderful folks I've met on the Washington state thread. I much prefer buying from people I KNOW, either because I've met them in person or am familiar with the quality and care of their birds and breeding practices.
I have some wonderful pullets laying fantastic eggs now as a result!
This should be the link to the WA thread -

I agree with SadieSue, go the the "Where are You" board and find the one for your state. There's a lot of active people on most of the state boards. I bet you could easily find hatching eggs that way.

Having said that, I had eggs shipped to me 3 weeks ago from 2000 miles away; they took 48 hours to get to my post office (another 24 to get to me, but that's another story). I was given 12, and 7 are in lockdown right now. Three of the dead eggs died due to an incubator malfunction, nothing to do with shipping.
I am in Oregon and have had mostly good experience with shipped eggs but if you can find the breed you want near you, you would bypass the postal problems. Your states thread would be a good place to ask. I will have hatching eggs available in a few months. Sizzles, Swedish flower hens, and cream legbar. I also have a barnyard mix available.
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I pass a sign for fresh eggs in a cooler by the side of the road on the way to work. Although the eggs have probably been washed and refrigerated they are hatching at about 75%. If you are just looking to hatch some non specific birds for cheap, you might look for egg sellers in your vicinity. Have you tried craigslist?
I know of a few around your area, they are in Molalla, Oregon City, etc.... it just depends on what you are looking for, in addition if you go to a poultry show around your area you should find some.

PM me and I will try and get the info for you.
You could also post in the "wanted" section here on byc, I'm sure you would get a good response.
I live in the Pac NW, and have successfully hatched eggs from shelleyb1969, ChooksChick, kelar, and ebay.

Kelar is a silkie breeder in Yacolt (these eggs were picked up and had 100% hatch rate but I lost one due to hen error.)
Chookschick is in Kansas.
Shelleyb1969 is in Michigan.

I get about a 50% hatch rate on shipped eggs, which is considered very good.

All were healthy, wonderful chickens. I would order again.
Does anyone in the WA, ID, OR, or MT have SQ barred rocks? DH wants more barred rocks and I like SQ birds sooo... Thanks!

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