Where to find chicken nipples??? I'm feeling like an idiot.


8 Years
Oct 16, 2011
Eatonville, WA
I really want to work up a chicken nipple watering system in my under-construction coop, but I don't know where to get the nipples. I haven't seen them in catalogs, and I've cruised through the aisles at the feed store, but I can't find them. Maybe I'm asking for the wrong thing. Do they have another name? I could ask at the feed store, but I'd feel pretty stupid asking for chicken nipples. I can see the clerk now smirking and saying, "Sure we have 'em, lady. They're on aisle 13 between the horse feathers and the hens' teeth."

Help me out here! I have an absolute talent for saying just the wrong thing anyway, without having to ask a stranger for chicken nipples!


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