Where to find gram scale?


10 Years
Aug 3, 2009
I need to buy a gram scale and a candler, and would prefer to order them both from the same place for convenience. However, I'm having trouble finding a place that has BOTH...
I purchased the US Postal one for $19.99. It is in oz/lb. There are plenty of free software that you can do the conversion. If you have Excel or Open Office, you can create the sheet to do the calculation yourself. It is very easy.

As for candler, you can buy LED flash light. I used the fluorescent with what I have around the house. You can see the photo here: https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=413414&p=3

bright light source will do the job. The reason I choose fluorescent light because low heat. If you light source too hot, will kill the develop chick.

Good luck!
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I got a gram scale off of ebay for around 7.00 & for a candle light, I use the light that is on my video cam, its small yet very bright. I also use it in a dark room when i do it.
They sell gram scales at a lot of gas stations. Sometimes they even have three or four choices.

Oh, and don't leave it sitting in plain sight in your car. It might qualify as enough cause for you to end up with your car (and body) being searched...

Edited to clarify: No. I do not own a scale for any nefarious or illegal purpose.
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Kitchen stores like Bed, Bath and Beyond carry them. Or at least used to when we bought ours a few years back.

edited to add: Smoke shops (like the ones that sell cigarettes) carry them as well.
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