Where to find just one chick for my little Silkie Bantam


Apr 18, 2013
I had a broody Black Copper Maran and wanted to see if she would hatch a silkie egg for me. I placed it under her and 21 days later we now have a little black silkie chick. I took her away when she started to hatch because she was in the coop in the nest box and didn't want her to get hurt by the other chickens. I placed the Maran in a separate cage next to the little silkie. I did try putting her with the Maran but was afraid she would hurt her. She wouldn't go by the chick at first and she was cold and the Maran did step on her so I put her in a box by herself with a heat lamp. I should have had her hatch two chicks. I know chickens like to be with other chickens but am not sure if I can find just one chick to put with her. Most hatcheries will only sell you 15 chickens and I only want one, we have 19 hens and 2 roosters and 6 pullets for 4 H so I really don't need anymore chickens. Our local Thiesen's store doesn't sell chicks anymore unless you want a large order. I don't know anyone who lives in our area that would just sell one chick. I live in Dubuque, Iowa. Does anyone have any suggestions about getting another chick or should I just try and put her with the Maran. I feel bad for her and didn't think about the fact that the Maran might not take to her. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I had a broody Black Copper Maran and wanted to see if she would hatch a silkie egg for me. I placed it under her and 21 days later we now have a little black silkie chick. I took her away when she started to hatch because she was in the coop in the nest box and didn't want her to get hurt by the other chickens. I placed the Maran in a separate cage next to the little silkie. I did try putting her with the Maran but was afraid she would hurt her. She wouldn't go by the chick at first and she was cold and the Maran did step on her so I put her in a box by herself with a heat lamp. I should have had her hatch two chicks. I know chickens like to be with other chickens but am not sure if I can find just one chick to put with her. Most hatcheries will only sell you 15 chickens and I only want one, we have 19 hens and 2 roosters and 6 pullets for 4 H so I really don't need anymore chickens. Our local Thiesen's store doesn't sell chicks anymore unless you want a large order. I don't know anyone who lives in our area that would just sell one chick. I live in Dubuque, Iowa. Does anyone have any suggestions about getting another chick or should I just try and put her with the Maran. I feel bad for her and didn't think about the fact that the Maran might not take to her. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I couldn't keep myself from looking at the bantams available at My Pet Chicken site. They do allow ordering just one. Of course you pay a bit more. The Brahma Bantam female is available for June 9 and just adorable:

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